Remembrance. Płock 1939

World War II brought the extermination of the Jews of Płock. In February and March 1941, the Nazi occupants deported about 10,000 Jews from Płock and nearby towns to German concentration camps. From around 9,000 of Jewish people living in Płock before the outbreak of the war, only a few survived.
When talking about these dark times, we use numbers, often forgetting that specific people are behind them. Men, women and children.
Every now and then important, necessary and smart projects arise in the public space that motivate us to take on new challenges. Inspired by the initiative of Dariusz Popela “People, not numbers” and the project of the “Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Center – “Lublin. 43 000”, we will implement the project:
Remembrance. Płock 1939
The goal of the initiative by the Nobiscum Foundation will be to commemorate all Jewish citizens of Płock who perished in the Holocaust. Based on archival documents from the World War II period, we will compile information on all Jews living in Płock, together with data regarding the address of residence and date of birth, which will be available on the website.
We hope that on March 1 next year, on the anniversary of the last deportation of Płock Jews to the camp in Działdowo, we will be able to present you the results of our archival research.
Soon we will also inform you about the next initiative of the project “Remembrance. Płock 1939”.