Dawid (Devi) Tuszyński

Dawid (Devi) Tuszyński – a painter and master of miniatures, was born in Brzeziny on September 17, 1914 (according to the entries in the registry books for the town of Brzeziny), as a son of Icek Tuszyński (born in 1879) and Sura nee Bajbok (born in Płock in 1890). Shortly after his birth, the Tuszyński family moved to Dawid’s mother’s hometown, where he lived in a tenement house at 6 Jerozolimska Street.
Dawid presented artistic skills from an early age, his works were printed in ”Płomyk” and ”Płomyczek”. Dawid’s first teacher of drawing was the well-known painter from Płock, Erna Gutkind. Before 1939, he studied painting with Abraham Skórnik in Płock and Tadeusz Dobrowolski in Łódź. After the outbreak of World War II, he was mobilized and took part in the battles near Kutno, Łowicz and in the defense of Warsaw. Then he found himself in Siberia. After the war, he went to Paris, where he continued his artistic education. In 1947 he took up studies at the Grande Chaumiere Academy. He created magnificent miniatures that earned him recognition in the artistic world, he also made portraits to order, among others of Charlie Chaplin and Helena Rubinstein. His works were presented, among others in France, Monaco, Belgium, Spain, Israel and the Netherlands. One of his most famous works is the great series of miniatures for the Book of David Psalms – Devi Tuszyński worked on the series for over 20 years. He devoted a series of black and white miniatures entitled “Płock” to the town, where he spent his childhood and youth.
His works are in the collections of the British Museum and the Alexander Pushkin Museum in Moscow, among others. He was awarded the title of Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. In 1999, the Płock City Council honored him with the Medal of Merit for Płock. He died on December 15, 2002 in Paris.
Askanas K., Sztuka Płocka, Płock 1991
Przedpełski J., Stefański J., Żydzi płoccy w dziejach miasta, Płock 2012
Below you’ll find the trailer of the film “Devi, prince of miniature” directed by Mariusz Orski (Polish only):
DEVI_KSIAZE_MINIATURY_2018_Trailer from Tomasz Malinowski colorist on Vimeo.