Film project “The last path of their lives. People of Płock in the Uprising in Treblinka”.

🇬🇧 2023 marks the 80th anniversary of the uprising of the prisoners of the German Nazi death camp Treblinka II. In connection with this anniversary and thanks to the financial support of the City of Płock, the Nobiscum Foundation will produce a film project entitled “The last path of their lives. People of Płock in the Uprising in Treblinka”.
The aim of our production will be to present the Jewish people from Płock who participated in the uprising: Marian Platkiewicz, Motel Perelgryc, Rudek Lubraniecki and Chaskiel Rozenberg. ✡️
The guests of our film will be, among others, representatives of the Memory of Treblinka Foundation, which collects and promotes knowledge about the camp, gathers accounts of witnesses and survivors, and publishes the names and surnames of people who were murdered in Treblinka. During a recent meeting with us, Ewa Teleżyńska-Sawicka and Paweł Sawicki said:
“According to Jewish tradition, a man dies three times: the first time – when he dies physically, the second time – at the funeral. The third death occurs when no one from the living speaks his name anymore…”
In the photo, one of the heroes of our project – Motel Perelgryc, Płock, 1930s (photo from the private collection of Guy Shapiro)