The history of the tenement house at 11 kwiatka Street

The property with the mortgage number 75 and 76, on which the present tenement house is standing, was leased by the Municipal Office of the Town of Płock to Józef Markus Pozner on October 15, 1821. Józef Markus Pozner (circa 1763-1844) was a merchant in the cloth industry and the owner of a tavern. He was the owner of the real estate located on the property with mortgage number 175 at Więzienna Street, Jerozolimska Street at number 3 and at Ostatnia Street at number 206. Pozner was actively involved in the life of the Płock Jewish community, together with Lewin Nisson they were the management of the local kehilla. On the square next to Nowa Street, for which he was supposed to pay an annual fee of 7 Polish zlotys to the municipal bank, he erected a one-story brick house.
The next owner of the property was a merchant Samuel Consohn Poznersohn (circa 1781-1865), who purchased it on public sale by way of enforcement proceedings, aimed at selling the goods of Józef Markus Pozner for 20 050 Polish zlotys, according to the judgment of the Civil Tribunal of Płock from 1834 .
Pursuant to the judgment of the Court of Appeal of July 29, 1839, Chaim Majer Poznersohn became the owner of 1/4 of the real estate, and in 1842 he sold his property to Natan Poznersohn. Under the purchase contract concluded on December 11, 1862, Natan Poznersohn acquired part of the property owned by Samuel Consohn Poznersohn for 3000 Polish zlotys. 1/3 of the property was then sold to Samson Poznersohn, and the remaining 2/3 to Fajga Rejchsztajn. Fajga bought from Samson Poznersohn his part for 4750 rubles, becoming the property’s sole owner.
According to data from 1878, on the property with mortgage numbers 75 and 76, in addition to a brick tiled front house with an extension, there were two wooden sheds, toilets, a stable and a granary.
On the premises in the 1870s, there was a cloth wholesale warehouse ran by Lewenberg and Makower.
In 1900, the estate was purchased by Grojnem and Sura Fajga Dejcz. Pursuant to the document of sale of March 4, 1905, the property was bought by Icek Gutman (born in 1861 in Przasnysz, son of Abram and Ryfka Ruchla) and Szajndla Ruchla (born in 1866 in Zakroczym, daughter of Icek Szaja and Sura Lask) Ostrower. Their son Samuel Józef Ostrower (1888-1933) was a well-known and highly respected photographer from Płock in the interwar period.
In 1908, Israel Boruch (born 1871, son of Wulf and Brucha nee Makower) and Sura (born 1880) Cymbel became the owners of the property. The property was inherited from their father by Ita Rajzel nee Cymbel, Ruchla Kowal nee Cymbel, Łaja Szpigel nee Cymbel, Chana Czarnobroda nee Cymbel, Hena Cymbel, Dawid Cymbel and Beniamin Cymbel. Until the outbreak of the war, the property was owned by the Cymbel family.
At the beginning of the 1930s, at 11 Kwiatka Street, lived Fajga Zygier, Kałma Grosman, Mordcha Kogut, Herszek Ajzenmen, Majer Jakubowicz, Abram Jeger, Fajwel Chudy, Szmul Krojn, Mendel Widawski, Szmul Michalis, Jakub Kowal, Hersz Turzanowski, Abram Ide Gajzler, Frajda Stupaj, Mojsze Morgensztern, Ela Baran, Sura Hendel Zając, Sura Kalmus, Josek Zyslander, Chaim Ber, Bajla Prusak, Brucha Lewin, Lejbusz Karasiewicz, Chuna Rozenberg, Chana Fajga Goldsztejn, Hersz Jojne Kohn, Abram Chaim Bri and Aron Aronzon, together with their families.
Before the outbreak of World War II, the property housed the store of hatmaker Herman Turzanowski and shoemaker Stanisław Zieliński.