The book “Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. Charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews” available from 14 November

November 14, 2022 is the date of the premiere of the latest book published by the Nobiscum Foundation – “Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. Charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews” by Gabriela Nowak-Dąbrowska.
The 340-page publication is a presentation of selected initiatives undertaken by the Jews of Płock from the 19th century to the post-war period, as well as Jewish benefactors, philanthropists, extraordinary people who selflessly acted for the good of their community. The sources of the book are the archival materials stored in the State Archives in Płock, including the documents of the town of Płock, files of the Płock Jewish religious community and the archival document set of the Social Welfare Council of the Płock Governorate. These sources are supplemented by the press information, including the weekly “Izraelita” published in the years 1866-1912 in Warsaw.
The book was published in connection with the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Izaak Fogel Jewish Hospital in 2022 and the 120th anniversary of the establishment of the Jewish Charity Society. With this publication, we want to remind the contemporary residents of our city about Jewish activists, whose work can still be inspiring for all those who are close to the ethos of social activism. It is also another book of the foundation, which is an attempt to commemorate the Jewish community of Płock, the history of which dates back to 1237.
The book was published thanks to the Nobiscum Foundation’s own funds and the support of our donors – Arie Fuks and Michael Fuks – in the first limited edition of 100 copies. It will be available at the price of 45 PLN starting from November 14 locally at the Płock Local Tourist Organization (8 Old Market Square) and by mail order – directly at the Nobiscum Foundation (contact for mail order of the book:
Please note that this is the Polish edition of the book. The English edition is scheduled for the first months of 2023.