Premiere of the film “The last path of their lives. People of Płock in the Uprising in Treblinka”

The prisoners knew that there was no way out except to fight, which could bring liberation to some of them. The great holy will to live, the love of freedom, gave rise to the idea of breaking free from hell surrounded by barbed wire.
Marian Płatkiewicz
2023 marks the 80th anniversary of the revolt of the prisoners of the German Nazi death camp Treblinka II. In connection with this anniversary and thanks to the financial support of the City of Płock, the Nobiscum Foundation prepared a film entitled “The last path of their lives. People of Płock in the Uprising in Treblinka”.
The aim of the production is to present the Jewish people from Płock who participated in the uprising, including Marian Platkiewicz, Motel Perelgryc and Chaskiel Rozenberg. The script of the film was based on the memoirs of Marian Platkiewicz preserved in the collection of Yad Vashem, archival documents from the collections of the State Archives in Płock and the Registry Office in Płock, as well as family memorabilia – photographs made available to the foundation from the private collections of the families of Motel Perelgryc and Chaskiel Rozenberg. Guests of the film include, among others, representatives of the Memory of Treblinka Foundation, which collects and promotes knowledge about the camp, gathers accounts of witnesses and survivors, and publishes the names and surnames of people who were murdered in Treblinka (together with the Jewish Historical Institute, the foundation creates the so-called Book of Names).
The film was recorded in Płock, in locations related to the life of Jewish residents who were later prisoners of Treblinka during World War II and who took part in the uprising in the summer of 1943 (Marian Platkiewicz, Rudek Lubraniecki, Motel Perelgryc, Chaskiel Rozenberg) as well as on the grounds of the Treblinka Museum.
We would like to invite you to the premiere of the film to the Cinema Around the Corner of the Franciszka and Stefan Themerson Center for Culture and Arts in Płock on August 2, 2023 at 6 p.m., on the anniversary of the revolt of prisoners of the German Nazi death camp Treblinka II. After its premiere in Płock, the film will also be available in social media and video-based websites (Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo) as well as on the website of the Nobiscum Foundation.