104th anniversary of the defense of Płock against the Bolshevik invasion

On the occasion of the 104th anniversary of the defense of Płock against the Bolsheviks, we recall the Jews of Płock who joined the Polish Army as volunteers during the Bolshevik invasion in 1920
As Szmul Grojnem Wasserman, born in 1897, wrote:
“In July 1920 […] during the invasion of the Eastern Moscow hordes, I felt obliged, as a Polish citizen, to stand in the leading cadres of our Army and for this purpose I joined the 6th Legions Infantry Regiment, with which I went through the entire Kiev campaign and counter-offensive of Augustów, constantly taking part in battles, where I was even injured twice (once in the retreat from Kiev, the second time in the Augustów forests)”.
There were many more Jews from Płock, such as Szmul Grojnem Wasserman. Among them were:
Abram Penson – born on June 13, 1900, son of Szmuel and Kajła Itta née Landau, graduate of the Philological Male Middle School of the Polish School Society in Płock.
Icek Jakub Perelgryc – born on January 23, 1898, son of Szaja and Chaia Chudes née Witenberg, graduate of the Philological Male Middle School of the Polish School Society in Płock.
Mejer Kanarek – born on April 14, 1898, son of Rywen and Chana, graduate of the Władysław Jagiełło State Middle School.
Mojżesz Sarna – born on January 25, 1902, son of Chaskiel and Itta née Landau, graduate of the Philological Male Middle School of the Polish School Society in Płock.
Salomon Kohn – born on June 19, 1902, son of Lejbuś and Toba née Malowańczyk, graduate of the Władysław Jagiełło State Middle School.
Symcha Kiwa Farba – born on March 25, 1902, son of Nuchim Arie and Kajla née Winogron, graduate of the Władysław Jagiełło State Middle School.
Salomon Tyński – born on October 28, 1894, son of Tobiasz and Rajla née Chaskiel, graduate of the Tadeusz Kościuszko State Philological Middle School in Gostynin.