Szmuel Penson

Szmuel Penson (1865-1939) – melamed, publicist, son of Izrael and Estera née Segał. He was born in the town of Olkieniki in south-eastern Lithuania. In the 1890s he came to Płock, and in 1896 he married Itta Kajla née Landau (born 1868), the daughter of the tavern owner Szmul Moszek and Bajla Rykla née Liberman. For many years, Penson taught Hebrew in Jewish schools in Płock. He organized evening courses of Hebrew and Jewish literature. His students were, among others Zysze Landau, Icchak Grünbaum, Becalel Okolica and Szlomo Greenspan. From 1918 he was associated with the Jewish Coeducational Middle School of Humanities. He was liked and popular among the Jewish youth in Płock. He published in the newspaper “Hacefira”. In Płock, he lived with his family in a tenement house at 12 Tumska Street. He died a few days before the German army entered Płock.
Plotzk (Plock); a history of an ancient Jewish community in Poland, ed. E. Eisenberg, Tel-Aviv 1967
Przedpełski J., Stefański J., Żydzi płoccy w dziejach miasta, Płock 2012