Beniamin Lejb Sztucki

Beniamin Lejb Sztucki – the last Jew who lived in Płock until the end.
Beniamin Lejb Sztucki was born on January 13, 1903, in the family of a merchant, Moszek and Gitla née Niedźwiedz. Due to a hearing impairment, he did not work professionally and was dependent on his father. His wife was Basia née Niedźwiedz, with whom he had three children. During World War II, he was a prisoner of concentration camps in Auschwitz and Dachau. Almost his entire family was murdered by the Nazis. Beniamin returned to Płock after the war. He worked at the Gershon Dua Knitting Work Cooperative, which began its activity in 1949, in the building of the synagogue at 7 Kwiatka Street. As we read in the work of Jan Przedpełski and Jerzy Stefański “Żydzi płoccy w dziejach miasta” [“Jews of Płock in the history of the city”], he remained faithful to Jewish religion and tradition until the end of his life. He died on July 21, 1994. He was buried in the municipal cemetery in Płock.