Tag: Jews in Plock

Alfred Blay

Alfred Blay

Abram Hersz aka Alfred Blay was born on May 30, 1876 in Płock. His father Natan (1839-1915) came from Kalisz. His mother was Estera née Landau (1845-1928), daughter of Icek Tobiasz and Małka. Alfred Blay had three siblings: brother Szmul Tobiasz (1868-1899) and sisters Hinda […]

Support the 7th year of JewishPlock.eu initiative!

Support the 7th year of JewishPlock.eu initiative!

We are entering the seventh year of JewishPlock.eu – the most important online source of information about the history of the Płock Jewish community! On the website you will find family albums, biograms, information about places related to the Jewish community of the city of […]

Pinkas Hakahal of Płock 1762-1818 in academic edition by Pnina Stern

Pinkas Hakahal of Płock 1762-1818 in academic edition by Pnina Stern

An extraordinary publication on the history of the Jews of Płock has been published – it is a source study of the “Pinkas Hakahal” – chronicle of the Jewish community in Płock in the years 1762-1818, originally preserved in the collection of the Jewish Historical Institute, undertaken by our friend Pnina Stern. The beautifully designed book was published in Hebrew in Israel. Congratulations to the author of the study!

Below we publish an abstract of the work written by Pnina Stern:

The “Pinkas Hakahal” of Płock is the book in which the decisions of the leadership of the Jewish community of Płock in the years 1762-1818 were recorded. The manuscript is in the archive of the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw (Pinkas Płocki AŻIH114/1). Nobody knows how it got there or when. Its existence became public only in 2007.

About 240 of the 270 written pages are in Hebrew integrated with some Yiddish and some Aramaic. The Hebrew in the Pinkas is typical of the Ashkenazi Hebrew that was used at that time.

Most of the non-Hebrew pages are in old Polish. Four pages are in Medieval Latin and about two pages are in old German. The parts, which are in Polish, Latin, and German, are merely receipts for loans or payments of debts by the community.

The topics dealt with in the Pinkas are the election, which took place once a year in the intermediate days of Passover; the list of the people appointed to different community tasks; community regulations; inner-community and other taxes; real estate matters, and social matters. Great attention was given to supervising the way that the elected people dealt with matters and fulfilled their duties.

It is obvious that the synagogue had a most central function in the life of the community. It was, of course, the place for religious ritual. However, it was also the place where important community matters were announced like the buying or selling of real estate, and where the banning ceremony of disruptive community members took place.

This academic edition of this Pinkas includes a transcription of the text of the manuscript plus annotations. It also includes supplementary tools – a historical introduction; an explanation of features of the Pinkas, and of the difficulties in deciphering it; a dictionary of concepts and an explanation of words taken from foreign languages; a translation of place names into their original language; a dictionary of abbreviations and initials in Hebrew, Polish, and Latin; a Yiddish glossary; an Aramaic glossary; charts of the functions in the community, and how people were chosen for those functions; and an index of the important subjects that are discussed in the Pinkas.

The importance of the manuscript is great because it is almost the only authentic source on the life of the Jewish community of Płock in the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century. It can shed light on the leadership and the administration of other Jewish communities in Poland at that time. The impression that the reader gets from reading the Pinkas is of a lively, active, vivid, autonomous Jewish community.

Pnina Stern

In the footsteps of Adam Neuman-Nowicki. Premiere of the guidebook in the autumn 2025

In the footsteps of Adam Neuman-Nowicki. Premiere of the guidebook in the autumn 2025

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Adam Neuman-Nowicki (1925-2021) – a native of Płock, author of the book entitled “Struggle for life”. In connection with this special occasion, the Nobiscum Foundation prepares a new guidebook – “In the footsteps of Adam […]

20th International Holocaust Remembrance Day

20th International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Lejbusz Pszenica, Szmul Dawid Pszenica, Chana Ryfka Głowińska z domu Żychlińska, Azriel Szlama Pszenica, Dwojra Gitla Pszenica, Estera Tauba Pszenica, Gnanczy Pszenica, Abram Hersz Pszenica, Bina Pszenica, Małka Pszenica, Beniamin Hersz Niedźwiedź, Naftali Markus Frendler, Hinda Frajdla Grynbaum, Szmul Majer Luszyński… Many Jews from Płock […]

The house at 64 Sienkiewicza Street in Płock in the register of historic monuments!

The house at 64 Sienkiewicza Street in Płock in the register of historic monuments!

The house at 64 Sienkiewicza Street in Płock, where Symcha Guterman lived with his wife Ewa and son Jakub, was entered into the register of monuments! We are very happy and hope that in the future, when the building is renovated, a plaque commemorating Symcha Guterman will be placed on its facade!

First, there was a text by Gabriela Nowak-Dąbrowska in the Płock edition of “Gazeta Wyborcza” (published thanks to Anna Lewandowska), then two requests for interpellations regarding the building to the chairman of the Płock City Council, and finally a request for interest in the matter of entering it into the register of monuments addressed to Mrs. Dorota Zaremba from Płock delegation of the Mazovian Provincial Conservator of Monuments. We would like to thank Mrs. Dorota Zaremba and Monika Zaręba for taking care of such an important matter for us and carrying out the process of entering the building into the register!

You can read about the history of the building and Symcha Guterman on our website:

Guterman and Alterowicz family

Symcha Guterman

The walls of this small building witnessed great love and paralyzing fear. The municipality of Płock must save it.

Premiere of the documentary “Erasing Oblivion”

Premiere of the documentary “Erasing Oblivion”

At the beginning of September, we invite everyone to the premiere of a documentary film produced by the Nobiscum Foundation on the initiative of Arieh Bomzon and Sandra Brygart Rodriguez – descendants of the Bomzon and Brygart Jewish families from Płock. The film shows their […]

104th anniversary of the defense of Płock against the Bolshevik invasion

104th anniversary of the defense of Płock against the Bolshevik invasion

On the occasion of the 104th anniversary of the defense of Płock against the Bolsheviks, we recall the Jews of Płock who joined the Polish Army as volunteers during the Bolshevik invasion in 1920 As Szmul Grojnem Wasserman, born in 1897, wrote: “In July 1920 […]

“Adam and his Płock” – premiere of the book on 23 March

“Adam and his Płock” – premiere of the book on 23 March

On Saturday, March 23, at 6 p.m., the Nobiscum Foundation invites everyone to join us at the Darmstadt House at 8 Old Market Square for the premiere of our latest publication, this time addressed to younger readers – the book “Adam and his Płock” by Gabriela Nowak-Dąbrowska, based on childhood memories of Adam Neuman-Nowicki and illustrated by Yaakov Guterman!

The book was published in a limited edition (in Polish) thanks to the support of Yaakov Guterman and Itai Vishnia.
You can fond the biography of Adam Neuman-Nowicki here: https://jewishplock.eu/en/adam-neuman-nowicki-en/


83rd anniversary of the deportation of Jews from the ghetto in Płock. Announcement of a new publication

83rd anniversary of the deportation of Jews from the ghetto in Płock. Announcement of a new publication

The cold winter of 1941. Against the background of a neglected building on Kwiatka Street in Płock, six people stand in the snow. Chawa Papierczyk – a young woman with dark, smoothly combed hair, parted in the middle. A smile appears on her face. All […]
