Tag: Jews in Poland

Ada Holtzman

Ada Holtzman

Ada Holtzman (1951-2016) was the daughter of Meir Holtzman (1914-1998) and Rywcia (Rywka) nee Gostyński (1914-1969). Her grandfather – Eliahu Holtzman (1866-1923) was married to Rasza née Złotnik (1870-1937), who came from a well-known rabbinical family. Her brother was the Płock rabbi Jona Mordechaj Złotnik. […]

The book “Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. Charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews” available from 14 November

The book “Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. Charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews” available from 14 November

November 14, 2022 is the date of the premiere of the latest book published by the Nobiscum Foundation – “Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. Charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews” by Gabriela Nowak-Dąbrowska. The 340-page publication is a presentation of selected initiatives undertaken by the Jews of […]

Fiszel Gerszon Nordenberg

Fiszel Gerszon Nordenberg

Fiszel Gerszon Nordenberg was born on November 1, 1895, in the family of a merchant Daniel Dawid Nordenberg and Hinda Michla Fliderblum, in a house at number 41 on the former Szeroka Street.

Neil Bass recalls his grandfather:

On August 5, 1917, in the wake of the US entering World War I, the #82nd Airborne Division was born. A recent immigrant from Plock, Poland, my grandfather, Philip Nordenberg, was among the proud, founding members of this awesome force of the US Army, known at the time as the 82nd Infantry Division. These pictures are of Grandpa Phil training with his regiment in Camp Gordon, Georgia in December 1917.

Grandpa Phil was deployed to France in May 1918 and fought valiantly for Company D of the 328th Infantry Regiment of the 164th Infantry Brigade in two of the most crucial battles of WWI: St. Mihiel, near Norroy, France in September 1918; and the Meuse-Argonne Offensive (September 29 – November 2, 1918). On October 6, 1918, the 328th captured Hill 223 from the Germans during the Meuse-Argonne battle where a decisive victory led to an armistice on November 11, 1918 and an end to the Great War.

Online exhibition “Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. The charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews”

Online exhibition “Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. The charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews”

The online exhibition “Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. The charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews” is now available: https://jewishplock.eu/en/rachmonim-bnei-rachmonim-en/ Organizer of the exhibition: The partner of the exhibition is the State Archives in Płock. The exhibition is part of the program of this year’s European Days of […]

New edition of the guidebook “In the footsteps of Płock Jews” available from 28 August

New edition of the guidebook “In the footsteps of Płock Jews” available from 28 August

The Nobiscum Foundation is happy to announce the premiere of the second edition of the guidebook “In the footsteps of Płock Jews” by Gabriela Nowak-Dąbrowska, which will be available from August 28 thanks to funding we received from the City of Płock. The first edition […]

79th anniversary of the outbreak of the Treblinka Uprising. Heroes from Płock in the uprising

79th anniversary of the outbreak of the Treblinka Uprising. Heroes from Płock in the uprising

August 2, 2022 marks the 79th anniversary of the outbreak of the uprising in Treblinka.

Marian Płatkiewicz recalled:

“People from Płock were a pillar of the uprising. Motek Perelgryc, citizen of Płock, a bicycle mechanic. He worked in Treblinka as a tinsmith and repaired bicycles. He and his friends Łyk from Nowy Dwór and Budnik with his brother forged the key to a German weapon warehouse, they made an imprint of the key using a piece of bread. Treblinka counted nearly a thousand prisoners, and there was no one to voluntarily enter the weapons warehouse to hand over the weapons. Only Chaskiel Rozenberg and his son Szmul Rozenberg volunteered. They were let into the arsenal with weapons and they issued German automats and grenades to the insurgents through the bars. Chaskiel Rozenberg was the commander of his timber group, and in the underground he was one of the organizers of the uprising in Treblinka. He was killed during the fights. His son, Szmulek, died in the forest during the siege conducted by the Germans from outside the camp, near Treblinka. The Rozenbergs were native Płock residents. In the group of fitters, the commander was a small guy, Rudek Lubraniecki. Lubraniecki, known in Treblinka as “Little Rudek”, died during the fights at his garage in the tunnel. Rudek and the Czech Rudolf made a great panic at the SS men, blowing up a tanker full of gasoline and the oil reserves they had in Treblinka. Ber Gutman, a carpenter from Płock, worked with me in the “Kartoffelkommando”. We demolished the German “Verwaltung” during the uprising. Kryszek, a young boy from Płock, was assigned to set fire to the clothes left behind by our brothers and sisters in Treblinka. He was killed in the camp during the fights”.

In the photo, from left to right: Motek Perelgryc, Marian Płatkiewicz and Rudek Lubraniecki.

May their memory be a blessing!

More information on the history of the Treblinka Uprising: https://polin.pl/en/the-treblinka-uprising

Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. The charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews – online exhibition from 4 September

Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. The charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews – online exhibition from 4 September

In connection with this year’s European Days of Jewish Culture, the Nobiscum Foundation organizes an online exhibition entitled “Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. The charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews”. The exhibition, in Polish and English, will be available through the JewishPlock.eu website from 4 September 2022. […]

9 Kolegialna Street (Palace of the Flatau family)

9 Kolegialna Street (Palace of the Flatau family)

The Renaissance-style tenement house at 9 Kolegialna Street was built in 1885-1886 by Anna Flatau née Heyman (1838-1898) and her husband Ludwik (1829-1890) – a grain merchant, industrialist and owner of a banker’s office. Both Anna and Ludwik were well-known philanthropists in Płock,  founders of […]

Cyrla (Czesława) Graubart

Cyrla (Czesława) Graubart

Cyrla (Czesława) Graubart was born on March 29, 1894, as the daughter of Szoel Bruzda and Sura Maria née Fabjan. In 1911, she graduated from a 7-grade government middle school in Warsaw. In December of that year, after passing the exam, she received a certificate of a “home teacher”. In January 1913, after taking the Latin language exam, she was allowed to undergo an apprenticeship in a pharmacy. In September 1913, she left for Berlin, where she studied German and attended a trade school. In 1915 and 1916 she worked as a teacher at the Philological Lower Middle School in Rypin. In November 1919, she became a teacher of a primary school in Płock. Until the outbreak of World War II, she was professionally associated with the primary school No. 8 for Jewish children.

Her husband was Natan Graubart (born 1886) – a merchant, owner of a seed store, banker. Cyrla Graubart had two sons – Saul Jehoszua (born January 14, 1927) and Aleksander (born March 24, 1930). She also raised two daughters of Natan Graubart from his first marriage – Jadwiga (born on September 23, 1918) and Zofia (born on December 16, 1919).

Natan Graubart

Natan Graubart

On May 13, 1886, Natan Graubart was born in Płock – he was the chairman of the Talmud-Torah religious school committee, a merchant, owner of a seed store and the president of the Cooperative Loan Bank in Płock. Natan Graubart was also the treasurer of […]
