Premiere of the film “Into the abyss of shadows” and the exhibition “The Jews of Płock 1939-1945”

We invite you to watch the film “Into the abyss of shadows”, which we prepared in connection with the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the Płock ghetto. In the film, you can listen to the accounts of witnesses of these events, see archival documents and drawings provided to us by Yaakov Guterman, as well as listen to the music of Piotr Dąbrowski and the Schröttersburg band from Płock. The film is available on Youtube and Vimeo:
The author of the script for the film and the exhibition is Gabriela Nowak-Dąbrowska.
The film will be available with Polish and English subtitles. Due to technical reasons, subtitles may be available with a slight delay after the movie’s premiere.