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Exhibition “Szenwic. The story of a family” now available online!

Exhibition “Szenwic. The story of a family” now available online!

Our exhibition “Szenwic. The story of one family” is now available online! The exhibition prepared by the Nobiscum Foundation presents the history of members of a Jewish family associated with Płock since the beginning of the 19th century. The exhibition includes family photographs and documents […]

The guidebook “In the footsteps of Jewish artists from Płock” available from September 5

The guidebook “In the footsteps of Jewish artists from Płock” available from September 5

The Nobiscum Foundation would like to invite everyone to read a new guidebook that we have published. The publication entitled “In the footsteps of Jewish artists from Płock” by Gabriela Nowak-Dąbrowska, published thanks to the co-funding of the City of Płock, is dedicated to Jewish […]

Jewish women of Płock in the face of the Polish-Bolshevik war. New publication of the Nobiscum Foundation

Jewish women of Płock in the face of the Polish-Bolshevik war. New publication of the Nobiscum Foundation

We are pleased to inform you that our new publication – “Jewish women of pre-war Płock. Part I” – is now available (in Polish).

Full of energy, strength, passion and determination, women have always played an important role in the history of Płock. Many of them can still be extremely inspiring for the next generations of girls and women. We, as the Nobiscum Foundation, are also trying to restore the memory of Jewish women associated with Płock.

The publication by Gabriela Nowak-Dąbrowska was based on archival materials stored in the State Archives in Płock and information contained in students’ personal files in the collection of the Archives of the University of Warsaw. We hope that it will allow us to recover the forgotten herstories of our city, bring the pre-war residents of Płock of Jewish origin out of oblivion, and encourage you to tour the city in their footsteps.

In the first part, we present 10 women. What they have in common is courage, dedication and commitment in various fields in the face of the Polish-Bolshevik war.

The publication is now available for sale for PLN 15 at the Płock Local Tourist Organization (8 Old Market Square) and by mail order at the Nobiscum Foundation (contact:

Szenwic. The story of a family – an exhibition by the Nobiscum Foundation starts 2 September

Szenwic. The story of a family – an exhibition by the Nobiscum Foundation starts 2 September

The exhibition entitled “Szenwic. The story of a family” prepared by the Nobiscum Foundation will present the history of members of a Jewish family associated with Płock since the beginning of the 19th century. The board exhibition will consist of family photographs and documents, among […]

People from Płock and the revolt in Treblinka. Our film “The last path of their lives” available online

People from Płock and the revolt in Treblinka. Our film “The last path of their lives” available online

On August 2, 2023, at the Cinema Around the Corner of the Franciszka and Stefan Themerson Center for Culture and Arts in Płock , the premiere of the film “The last path of their lives. People of Płock in the Uprising in Treblinka” took place. […]

Premiere of the film “The last path of their lives. People of Płock in the Uprising in Treblinka”

Premiere of the film “The last path of their lives. People of Płock in the Uprising in Treblinka”

The prisoners knew that there was no way out except to fight, which could bring liberation to some of them. The great holy will to live, the love of freedom, gave rise to the idea of breaking free from hell surrounded by barbed wire.

Marian Płatkiewicz

2023 marks the 80th anniversary of the revolt of the prisoners of the German Nazi death camp Treblinka II. In connection with this anniversary and thanks to the financial support of the City of Płock, the Nobiscum Foundation prepared a film entitled “The last path of their lives. People of Płock in the Uprising in Treblinka”.

The aim of the production is to present the Jewish people from Płock who participated in the uprising, including Marian Platkiewicz, Motel Perelgryc and Chaskiel Rozenberg. The script of the film was based on the memoirs of Marian Platkiewicz preserved in the collection of Yad Vashem, archival documents from the collections of the State Archives in Płock and the Registry Office in Płock, as well as family memorabilia – photographs made available to the foundation from the private collections of the families of Motel Perelgryc and Chaskiel Rozenberg. Guests of the film include, among others, representatives of the Memory of Treblinka Foundation, which collects and promotes knowledge about the camp, gathers accounts of witnesses and survivors, and publishes the names and surnames of people who were murdered in Treblinka (together with the Jewish Historical Institute, the foundation creates the so-called Book of Names).

The film was recorded in Płock, in locations related to the life of Jewish residents who were later prisoners of Treblinka during World War II and who took part in the uprising in the summer of 1943 (Marian Platkiewicz, Rudek Lubraniecki, Motel Perelgryc, Chaskiel Rozenberg) as well as on the grounds of the Treblinka Museum.

We would like to invite you to the premiere of the film to the Cinema Around the Corner of the Franciszka and Stefan Themerson Center for Culture and Arts in Płock on August 2, 2023 at 6 p.m., on the anniversary of the revolt of prisoners of the German Nazi death camp Treblinka II. After its premiere in Płock, the film will also be available in social media and video-based websites (Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo) as well as on the website of the Nobiscum Foundation.

Appeal of the Nobiscum Foundation regarding the matzevot from the Park on the Hill in Płock

Appeal of the Nobiscum Foundation regarding the matzevot from the Park on the Hill in Płock

On June 1 this year, as the Nobiscum Foundation we sent a letter to the Mayor of the City of Płock, Andrzej Nowakowski, with an appeal to make a decision on the extraction of matzevot from the Park on the Hill (“Na Górkach”), securing them […]

We received the “Preserving Memory” award

We received the “Preserving Memory” award

On Sunday, 2 July, at the Galicia Jewish Museum, we took part in a ceremony during which we were honored with the “Preserving Memory” award for our contribution to saving and commemorating Jewish heritage in Poland. We feel honored and touched that we are now […]

We’ve joined the Network of the Forum for Dialogue!

We’ve joined the Network of the Forum for Dialogue!

🇬🇧 Forum for Dialogue – the oldest Polish non-governmental organization aiming to improve Polish-Jewish relations, for 25 years has been gathering people for whom Jewish history and heritage in Poland are of great importance. This year we had the honor and pleasure to participate in the 9th National Conference of Leaders of Dialogue. We would like to thank very much for inviting us to the Network of the Forum for Dialogue (until recently the Leaders of Dialogue programme), which already includes over 140 people – activists, who for many years in their towns, against the odds, with or without the support of the local community, care about the memory of their Jewish neighbours!

Photo by Wojtek Dobrogojski

The walls of this small building witnessed great love and paralyzing fear. The municipality of Płock must save it.

The walls of this small building witnessed great love and paralyzing fear. The municipality of Płock must save it.

An inconspicuous one-story house at the exit of Sienkiewicza Street, at number 64. Every day it falls into more and more decay. At first glance, it does not stand out as anything special, although its history and the history of its residents is unique. These […]
