
The Medical Society of Płock

The Medical Society of Płock

The Jews of Płock, apart from creating their own social organizations, took an active part in the activities of many others operating in the town. An example may be the Medical Society of Płock, where doctors of Jewish origin were involved, many of whom were […]

The Makabi Jewish Gymnastic and Sports Society

The Makabi Jewish Gymnastic and Sports Society

The Makabi Jewish Gymnastic and Sports Society, which was the most famous and most numerous sports club in Płock, was established in 1915. Its founders were Leon Goldberg, Kurt Kazen, Wilhelm Marienstrass, Juda Pszenica, Maurycy Płońskier, Berek Zeligman and Izrael Penzel. The organization played an […]

Kazimierz Mayzner

Kazimierz Mayzner

Kazimierz Mayzner was born on July 6, 1883 in Warsaw, as the son of Izydor and Anna née Woldenberg. His father was considered a humanist and a patriot, he was an outstanding industrialist, co-owner of a trade company, co-founder of the Mayzner Society of Sugar […]

Hechaluc – Pioneer Jewish organization

Hechaluc – Pioneer Jewish organization

Hechaluc began its activity in Płock in 1923. Its founders were A. Kowalski, F. Fliderblum and M. Kenigsberg. Szymon Margulin, Mojżesz Zander and A. Lejbgot were also part of the board of the organization. The organization’s goal was to emigrate its members to Eretz Israel. […]

Jewish Social Democratic Labour Party Poale Zion

Jewish Social Democratic Labour Party Poale Zion

The branch of the Jewish Social Democratic Labour Party Poale Zion was founded in Płock in 1904. After the Russian Revolution in 1905, the activity of Poale Zion was banned by tsarist police, and the members of the organization went underground. It was only after […]

“Frajhajt” Cultural and Educational Association

“Frajhajt” Cultural and Educational Association

On November 16, 1930, a branch of the “Frajhajt” Cultural and Educational Association in Poland was established in Płock. The founders of the branch were Mojżesz Zander (born 1905), Toba Nasielska (born 1908), Lejb Licht (born 1909), Symcha Guterman (born in 1903) and Szlama Lipner […]
