
Records of the Rogozino commune

Records of the Rogozino commune

Where did Jewish families live in the Płock poviat before the war? We decided to check and research one of the communes – Rogozino. In the records of this commune, kept in the resources of the State Archives in Płock, there are registers of residents […]

Jerozolimska Street

Jerozolimska Street

Jerozolimska Street was one of the main streets of the former Jewish district in Płock. Moszek Szlama Sarna (1838-1908) lived in the house at number 20. In 1884 he built the first iron foundry in the town. Pre-war artists Dawid (1915-2002) and Feliks (1922-2016) Tuszyński […]

The film “Black skies” of the Nobiscum Foundation with funding of the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland

The film “Black skies” of the Nobiscum Foundation with funding of the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland

By the decision of the Jan Jagielski Grants Committee operating in the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland, the Nobiscum Foundation has received a grant for a project of the film entitled “Black skies. The fate of Płock Jews in the years 1941-1945”. […]

Szmuel Penson

Szmuel Penson

Szmuel Penson (1865-1939) – melamed, publicist, son of Izrael and Estera née Segał. He was born in the town of Olkieniki in south-eastern Lithuania. In the 1890s he came to Płock, and in 1896 he married Itta Kajla née Landau (born 1868), the daughter of […]

Izrael Wolf Cynamon

Izrael Wolf Cynamon

Izrael Wolf Cynamon – teacher, son of Aron Hersz and Estera née Goldszyd, was born on January 1, 1883 in Płock. As a boy, he attended private studies, then he passed the exam at the government middle school in Płock and received a certificate of […]

Polish schools in tribute to the American people in memory of the 150th anniversary of the independence of the United States

Polish schools in tribute to the American people in memory of the 150th anniversary of the independence of the United States

In 1926, a great campaign was organized in Poland to collect signatures with wishes in tribute to the American people in memory of the 150th anniversary of the independence of the United States. This event was attended, among others, by schools in Płock, including the […]

Julian Stryjkowski

Julian Stryjkowski

Julian Stryjkowski (before the war known as Pesach Stark) (1905-1996) – writer, author of, among others the novels “Głosy w ciemności” [“Voices in Darkness”] (1956), “Austeria” (1966), “Sen Azrila” [“Azril’s Dream”] (1975), “Czarna róża” [“Black Rose”] (1962), “Przybysz z Narbony” [“Stranger from Narbonne”] (1978). He […]

Chana Sura Klejn

Chana Sura Klejn

Chana Sura Klejn (born in 1912 in Płock) – teacher, daughter of Jojne and Chana Rojza. A graduate of the Zofia Bukowiecka State Teachers’ College for Women in Płock (she received the diploma of a primary school teacher in 1931). She was the head of […]

Leon Kaufman

Leon Kaufman

Leon Kaufman was born in 1872 in Pawłów (formerly the property of Strachacz), on the estate of his grandfather Wolf Kaufman. He was the son of the trader Moszek Aron and Hinda née Kirsztejn. Before 1875, Leon, together with his sister Łucja and his parents, […]

Lejb Abrahamowicz Rakowski

Lejb Abrahamowicz Rakowski

Lejb Abrahamowicz Rakowski (around 1817-1893) – a rabbi of Płock, an outstanding Talmudist. Son of Abram and Paja. His wife was Fajga née Horwitz (approx. 1818-1878), daughter of Moszek Chaim and Cypra née Frenkiel, with whom he had sons Abba Józef (born 1857), Jankiel Moszek […]
