
Pinkas Hakahal of Płock 1762-1818 in academic edition by Pnina Stern

Pinkas Hakahal of Płock 1762-1818 in academic edition by Pnina Stern

An extraordinary publication on the history of the Jews of Płock has been published – it is a source study of the “Pinkas Hakahal” – chronicle of the Jewish community in Płock in the years 1762-1818, originally preserved in the collection of the Jewish Historical […]

Szenwic. The story of a family – an exhibition by the Nobiscum Foundation starts 2 September

Szenwic. The story of a family – an exhibition by the Nobiscum Foundation starts 2 September

The exhibition entitled “Szenwic. The story of a family” prepared by the Nobiscum Foundation will present the history of members of a Jewish family associated with Płock since the beginning of the 19th century. The board exhibition will consist of family photographs and documents, among […]

Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. The charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews – online exhibition from 4 September

Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. The charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews – online exhibition from 4 September

In connection with this year’s European Days of Jewish Culture, the Nobiscum Foundation organizes an online exhibition entitled “Rachmonim bnei rachmonim. The charity and philanthropy of Płock Jews”. The exhibition, in Polish and English, will be available through the website from 4 September 2022. […]

Polish schools in tribute to the American people in memory of the 150th anniversary of the independence of the United States

Polish schools in tribute to the American people in memory of the 150th anniversary of the independence of the United States

In 1926, a great campaign was organized in Poland to collect signatures with wishes in tribute to the American people in memory of the 150th anniversary of the independence of the United States. This event was attended, among others, by schools in Płock, including the […]
